मतिविभ्रम होना - mativibhram hona meaning in hindi

Suggested :
पाणिगृहीत | wedded |
An Earl or a Duke was wedded into the nobility. | |
द्यौहड़ा | temple |
Notable temple cities include Puri | |
जातीयता | communal |
It was further resolved that the flag should not have any communal undertones. | |
कब्र | pit |
This steeplechase pit can be placed either inside or outside the track | |
चलणा | approach |
Rudolf Steiner, presents Goethe's approach to science as phenomenological. |
mativibhram hona
अक्षरों की संख्या: 14 व्यंजन मात्रासहित ।
Transliterate in english :
mativibhrama honaa
Related spellings : mativibhram hona
Related spellings : mativibhram hona
Word of the day